Safe, Secure, Affordable Housing.
Housing Choice Voucher Assistance Program is a program for extremely low-income persons or families who wish to live in privately owned housing.
With a Housing Choice Voucher, you pay your share of the rent based on 30 percent of your gross adjusted household income – directly to the landlord.
You may choose to pay more than 30 percent for various reasons as long as your total portion (rent and utilities) does not exceed 40 percent of your gross adjusted household income. The coordinator will determine if your income is significant enough for you to pay 40 percent rather than 30 percent.
- Housing Choice Vouchers
Housing Choice Vouchers
Geographical Location
- My household physically lives and resides permanently in Wayne or Pike County, Pennsylvania
NOTE: Documents must be attached such as a current lease (within one year), electric bills or heating bills in your name with physical address, or proof of governmental assistance benefits (welfare, social security, etc.)
Employed in Geographical Location
- Applicants are working or have been notified that they are hired to work in Wayne or Pike County, Pennslyvania
NOTE: Documentation must be attached such as a current paystub with company name and address or verification on company letterhead indicating current employment information or have been hired to work.
Education or Training Program
- Applicants who are graduate of, or active participants in education and training programs within Wayne or Pike County, Pennsylvania.
NOTE: Documentation must be attached reflecting proof of graduation date from educational facility (within last year) or current proof of enrollment from educational facility within Wayne or Pike County.
Appointment Scheduling
You may contact the Housing Authority via phone or email to start the application process for our waitlist. You must provide your full name, mailing address and phone number. The Housing Authority will then send you a letter confirming your intent to apply. Once you have called and confirmed the office will setup either a phone or ZOOM interview. Any person over the age of 18 must attend the interview.The appointment confirmation letter will instruct you on the documents you need to send back to the office after the scheduled phone/ZOOM interview, once the office reviews your completed application the office will determine if you are eligible for the waiting list. The Housing Authority has a residence preference for Wayne and Pike County residents please see below for details.
The Authority also has an elderly/disabled complex in Hawley for efficiency and 1- bedroom units and a family complex in Waymart housing 1, 2, and 3-bedroom families. To apply, contact the main office 570-488-6069. Interested applicants do not need to qualify for residency preference to apply for either the Hawley or Waymart Housing Complex.
Tenant Selection
- It is the WCHA’s policy that an application does not guarantee admission.
- Income Targeting will be granted to applicants who are otherwise eligible and who, at the time they are certified for admission, meet the requirements.
- Any move-in mandated by court orders related to discretion or Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity will take precedence.
NOTE: Applicants may not quality for an application if they were an assisted family and refused to comply with applicable program policies or procedures under the 1937 Housing Act with respect to the occupancy of under occupied and overcrowded units; or failed to accept a transfer to another housing unit in accordance with a court decree or in accordance with the policies and procedures of a HUD approved desegregation plan.
The WCHA will only accept eligible applicants for Wayne & Pike County that quality for a Residency Preference(s) for waiting list admissions. These applicants will be placed on the waiting list in order of time and date of the application.
The WCHA will comply with the Income Targeting Requirements set forth in QHWRA, CFR 982.201 (b) (2).
Family Unification Eligibility Selection:
- The WCHA has been allocated subsidy for the Family Unification Program. Eligible families that have been certified by the public child welfare agency that the lack of adequate housing (a primary factor in the imminent placement of the family’s, child or children, in out-of home care or in the delay of discharge of a child, or children, to the family from out-of-home care); and the Public Child Welfare Agency (PCWA) has provided written certification to the WCHA that the family is eligible based upon the criteria established in section 8(x) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 and the Family Unification eligibility requirements will receive this funding.
Wayne County Children and Youth- 570-253-5972
Pike County Children and Youth- 570-296-3446
Residency Preference
The WCHA will select families based on the following preference.
- Applicants who live and reside in Wayne or Pike Counties.
- Applicants who work or have been hired to work in a residency preference area. Graduates of, or active participants in, education and training programs in a residency preference area may be treated as a resident of the area if the education or training programs are designed to prepare individuals for the job market.
- The WCHA has adopted/implemented this residency preference in accordance with nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements listed at 24 CFR 5.105(a).
- The Residence Preference will not have the purpose or effect of delaying or otherwise denying admission to the program based on the race, color, sex, religion, disability, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or age of any member of an applicant family.
Federal or Local Preferences
The Authority has no policy for Federal or Local preferences.
Special Admissions
The Authority can assist families who are not on the waiting list when HUD awards funding that is targeted for specifically-named families. The Authority must use targeted funding in accordance with the conditions imposed when funds are awarded and accepted.