Very Low and Extremely Low income families , senior citizens, handicapped and disabled adults.
The Wayne County Housing Authority Operates a high rise with 73 Very Low and Extremely Low- income apartments in the Hawley Borough, Wayne County for elderly/ handicapped/ disabled. The tenants in this type of housing pay rent based solely on income rather than on type or size of accommodation provided.
The accommodations are specifically for:
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizen Families
Physically handicapped persons
Disabled Persons
Senior Citizens
Single Person who is age 62 or over
Single person who is handicapped
Single person who is disabled
Person that has a physical or mental impairment which: is expected to be or long-continued and indefinite duration; and substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently; and is of such a nature that such ability could be improved by more suitable housing conditions
A person is disabled if the person has a disability defined in: Section 223 of the Social Security Act or Section 102 (b) (5) of the Developmental Disabilities Services’ and Facilities Construction Amendment of 1970
Property Documents (BS & GP)
90105-A Model Lease for Subsidized Programs